Wednesday, December 20, 2006

...whatever whatever whatever..

Life is seem so unpredictable... I'm confused since the start of my second semester in med school. What should i tell first? I'm too lazy. I don't really know what I want. I easily get tired and mad at people. I hate this feeling. I am too bad. But is this all my fault??? I tried to figure out what's wrong and what would make me feel better. but it didn't work. I'm running out of time. I want to fix everything before the year ends. STUDIES, FRIENDS, LOVE, FAMILY... I'm, getting hurt without even knowing the reason why. I'm almost over and totally over to the things i need to forget. Good for me... So i should go and take another step. I wish i can do better for myself. I don't wanna be like this. This is not me... I'm missing... where's abbie???
Bo0o0ooo... it's time to think and do something new and good. This is a promise. .. I'll just make another blog for the updates of what happened to me the past few weeks. YES I am over... finally over and that's the only good news for now. But I am hurt because of someone. someone who do not know what's going on. Sorry for you man... I can live without you... i wish... haha. but still thanks for giving me this feeling but i think it won't really work. Let's see what will happen next year. haha. I'll miss you ****... *wink*

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